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The '''Growth Team''' focuses on increasing trading volume through community engagement and outreach efforts, market-making bounties, the website, blog, and translations across the website and software.
This page covers the workflow for Bisq's growth team. If you're interested in helping Bisq grow, please read through this page carefully.
{{Admonition_Warn| The '''Growth Team''' is a now retired Bisq team. The below information is kept for prosperity.}}
It will be updated before the start of every Bisq DAO cycle.
== Introduction ==
== Roles ==
* [[Growth Team Lead]]
'''Bisq growth efforts are focused squarely on growing trading volume in key markets.'''
* [[Community Manager]]
* [[YouTube Admin]]
To that end, all growth efforts should directly influence trading in key markets.
* [[Payment Method Maintainer]]
* [[Twitter Admin]]
Key markets are USD, EUR, and XMR. For the moment, we'll also devote some resources to L-BTC and CNY markets because of their considerable importance and potential.
* [[Transifex Admin]]
* [[Website Operator/Maintainer]]
Responsibilities of the growth team:
* manage market-making bounties
* carry out marketing and publicity efforts to support market-making
* maintain the [https://bisq.network Bisq website]
* manage translations across the website and software
The rest of this page covers the workflow for coordinating these responsibilities.
== Budget ==
The focus on growing volume is apparent in the budget for Cycle 11. Market making activities, content creation, and other publicity efforts all come out of the line item for their market (e.g., an XMR video would come out of the altcoin line item).
{| class="wikitable"
! Item !! Allotment (USD)
| Fiat || 2550
| Altcoin || 2000
| Evangelists || 1800
| Website || 1000
| Translations || 750
| Analytics || 100
| '''Total''' || '''8200'''
While the website and translations are important, big improvements to these items are not critical, so their budgets just allow for routine maintenance.
== Current Objectives ==
Through the end of March, growth efforts should focus on pushing for liquidity in USD and XMR.
On March 27-28, Bisq will be a co-sponsor of Bitcoin 2020 in San Francisco. With a big booth, a bunch of special activities planned, and abundant opportunities to engage new (and existing) users there in-person, we should make sure USD liquidity is especially solid at that time.
In the past, when liquidity was much lower, we put on [https://github.com/bisq-network/growth/issues/67 liquidity days] to boost the number of offers on the network to record levels. This also resulted in a lot of trading activity.
Now that liquidity is higher compared to what it was like with prior campaigns, we should experiment with a more ambitious liquidity campaign: '''"Make the Market March" where every user is encouraged to make 1 offer''', with higher goals every week to build on the momentum of the previous week.
See more details on [https://github.com/bisq-network/growth/issues/185 the GitHub thread for this campaign], as well as the [https://github.com/bisq-network/projects/issues/14 project thread] for the broader project.
== Coordinating Efforts ==
To coordinate these high-level goals and upcoming objectives in mind, there are now a couple of kanban boards to better plan, visualize, and coordinate our efforts. '''These boards will be the "system of record" for all Bisq growth efforts''': if a task is not on one of these boards, there's a strong chance it's not a priority and may not be compensated.
'''These board are made for you to edit and collaborate with others on the growth team.''' Please make sure anything you expect to be paid for is marked as ''Doing'' and assigned to you before starting it.
Here's an overview of the boards, as they stand at the beginning of Cycle 11.
{| class="wikitable"
! Board Name !! Link !! Description
| Markets || https://grow.bisq.cc/b/jPBBopYuLdGYdDpvF/markets || Covers market-making, content creation, discrete social media tasks, and other markets-related to-do items.
| Bitcoin 2020 || https://grow.bisq.cc/b/Ro4TSwKHuYoTwixsz/bitcoin-2020 || Covers all preparations for the Bitcoin 2020 conference in San Francisco on March 27-28.
| Translations || https://grow.bisq.cc/b/pS7ZjPr2A5oEAvD5D/translations || Covers all translations work for the website and software.
All the boards are public, so you can view them by clicking on the links above without without creating an account.
=== Workflow ===
If you'd like to take on a task on a board, or if you'd like to suggest a task that isn't currently on a board, you will need to create an account. '''Once you have created your account and are logged in, ask to be added to a board on Keybase in #growth to be added to a board so you can edit it.'''
''Unfortunately the underlying Wekan software powering these boards doesn't allow users to be added to boards automatically.''
Here's how this works.
==== 1. Familiarize yourself with the team's upcoming objectives and budget allotments (see above) ====
==== 2. Take a look at the board corresponding to the work you'd like to do ====
''Note that the website doesn't have its own board—it's a GitHub repository, so its workflow is managed in GitHub issues and pull requests.''
All boards are structured similarly—each has 4 categories to indicate task statuses:
* ''Want to do'' are tasks that have been suggested but not budgeted, prioritized, or assigned.
* ''Will do'' are tasks that have been budgeted and prioritized, but not yet assigned (<code>help-wanted</code> tag) or not yet begun.
* ''Doing'' are tasks that are budgeted, prioritized, assigned, and in progress.
* ''Done'' are tasks that are done.
Some boards, like the ''Markets'' board and ''Translations'' board, have an ''Objectives'' swim lane to correspond tasks with higher-level objectives. We'll cover this [[#4. Suggest new objectives|below]].
==== 3. Take on a task ====
Tasks ready to take on are labeled <code>help-wanted</code> in the ''Will do'' list. If you'd like to take on one of these tasks, please:
== Infrastructure ==
# Add a comment on the card with any details or questions you'd like to cover before starting work. Most importantly, please add your expected compensation amount for completing the task. If an amount is already specified, please indicate your acceptance of that amount (or suggest another amount if you wish).
# Add the <code>assignment-requested</code> tag. This helps reviewers actually see that the status of the task has changed.
# A reviewer will get back to you within ~1 day, cover any outstanding concerns, and move the task to ''Doing'' if all goes well. You can begin working.
If you don't see the task you want to do already listed in ''Will do'', you'll need to create a new task in ''Want to do''. '''It's crucial you create the new task in this column''', because this is how we discern prioritized tasks from not-yet-prioritized work.
# Click the plus sign to add a new task in the ''Want to do'' column, click <code>Template</code>, type a title for your suggestion, and then click ''Generic Task Suggestion Template'''. This will generate a new card with a pre-filled form in the card's description.
# Fill out the form in the card's description.
# Within ~1 day, a reviewer will address your suggestion by either moving it to ''Will do'' (indicating it's prioritized and ready to begin) or archiving it (meaning it wasn't deemed a priority).
Here's an illustration of step 1 from above:
==== 4. Suggest new objectives ====
Got an idea for a new objective, like a new campaign or a new higher-level initiative that Bisq should devote resources to?
Please suggest it in the ''Want to do'' column of the ''Objectives'' swim lane for review and discussion.
You'll see current objectives (as specified [[#Upcoming Objectives|here]]) already listed in the ''Will do'' and ''Doing'' columns.
Ideally every task in the top swim lane will continue to correspond to an objective in the bottom swim lane.
== Roles ==
=== Evangelist ===
=== GitHub ===
Evangelists monitor Bisq chatter throughout key social channels, reactively and proactively managing channels they follow.
==== Team ====
This role is meant to monitor day-to-day activity across channels, ''not'' create content that will be propagated through them. Evangelists are free to create content as well, but creating content is not a part of their ongoing role.
[https://github.com/orgs/bisq-network/teams/growth @bisq-network/growth]
==== Priorities ====
==== Follow social channels ====
Respond to Bisq-related posts as appropriate, and propagate any messaging relevant to the period's campaigns. Sometimes users are looking for advice about Bisq, unsure about questions asked by other users, or just sometimes give wrong/misguided answers. Evangelists should step in and set the record straight.
==== Repositories ====
Evangelists should also start/guide conversations in their channels to amplify messaging as appropriate. These messaging initiatives will be determined on a weekly basis from ongoing campaigns and findings in #pulse.
* https://github.com/bisq-network/growth
* https://github.com/bisq-network/website
==== Report on activity in #pulse ====
=== Chat ===
As evangelists follow social channels, items will surface that are particularly noteworthy: key software updates, user feedback, prevalent support issues, notable media mentions, and just interesting ideas.
* [[Matrix_bisq.chat|bisq.chat]] [https://matrix.to/#/#bisq.growth:bitcoin.kyoto #Growth] channel.
These items should be posted in the #pulse channel on Keybase so others are aware. Recurring themes should be acted upon by creating content to address, passing off issues to development, etc.
== Processes ==
If no notable activity occurs in an evangelist's channels, they should indicate this in #pulse, on a weekly basis (e.g., "no notable activity on @bisq_p2p telegram").
'''Any effort a contributor expects to be compensated for should be run by the growth team lead to ensure it fits cycle priorities and budget. Failure to do so may result in the contribution being rejected, undercompensated, or uncompensated.'''
==== Join growth calls every other week ====
Please see the priorities board linked above for current objectives.
Evangelists should join Bisq PULSE calls, since their findings will be shared on them. Format is described below.
If you're interested in contributing to an existing priority, please:
== Cadence ==
* Express your interest in the [[Matrix_bisq.chat|bisq.chat]] [https://matrix.to/#/#bisq.growth:bitcoin.kyoto #Growth] channel (or on the corresponding GitHub issue)
This workflow should allow growth contributors to work asynchronously, largely independent of a need for frequent meetings and events happening at particular times. Still, we need to establish time frames for some things.
If you're interested in contributing in a way that's ''not'' currently outlined on the priority board, please:
* '''Thursdays'''. Evaluate objectives suggested in ''Want to do'' and either schedule them or archive them. This can be accomplished by simply posting suggestions in #growth on Keybase and having community members vote with emojis.
* Start a discussion on Matrix to outline the merits of your proposed task (or open an GitHub issue [[#Repositories|in the appropriate repository]])
* '''Every other Thursday'''. Hold a call for the user base, called Bisq PULSE, which is a progression of the Bisq BRIEF series. The call would summarize happening relevant to Bisq, notable items from the #pulse channel, important announcements, growth milestones, and any other initiatives or items worth communicating to users. Presented in Socratic seminar style, preferably by more than 1 person. Would be nice to have this adopt more of a podcast feel.
* Growth team members will get in touch with you to determine specifics, if warranted
* '''Every month, or as needed'''. Have calls with all consistent growth contributors to take a step back from the day-to-day and share feedback, concerns, and other suggestions. Could also be useful for longer-term strategizing, process/workflow analysis, etc.
Events will be announced on the #growth channel on Keybase and put on the calendar at https://bisq.network/calendar.
=== Market Making ===
== Communication ==
Occasionally, market making bounties are available for specific markets or regions. These bounties are managed in the [https://github.com/orgs/bisq-network/teams/growth growth repository] on GitHub.
The #growth channel on [https://keybase.io/team/bisq Keybase] is the primary means of communication for growth.
Interested market makers should:
There's also the #transifex channel for translations and the #website channel for the website (along with the [https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq-website bisq-website GitHub repository]).
# Carefully evaluate the conditions of the bounties they're interested in, or propose a new bounty on GitHub or Matrix
# Outline a convincing plan of action to deliver the bounty
# Determine which cycle they would be able to deliver the bounty in
For now, market making bounties will continue to be tracked in [https://github.com/bisq-network/growth the growth repository on GitHub], but this may change.
After agreeing on details and covering any lingering concerns, the market maker will be assigned to the issue and is free to begin work.
If you're a consistent contributor, please also make sure you're a member of the Bisq GitHub organization so that you can follow updates in the [https://github.com/orgs/bisq-network/teams/dao GitHub discussions area].
{{Admonition_Note|Keep in mind that it's not necessary to be working on an approved bounty in order to do market making—market making should be a profitable activity on its own.}}
== Compensation Guidelines ==
=== Website ===
Every so often contributors disagree on what constitutes fair compensation. The growth team is particularly afflicted by this since the value of content creation and speaking/travel is not always immediately obvious.  
Any website change should be first proposed as an issue in the [https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq-website bisq-network/bisq-website] GitHub repository or discussed on Matrix in the [https://matrix.to/#/#bisq.growth:bitcoin.kyoto #Growth] channell. The issue should cover the proposed change and how it aligns to current priorities. Estimated delivery date and cost should be included as well, if the issue creator expects to be the one delivering the proposed change.  
As detailed above, part of the process of allowing contributions to begin involves agreeing on a ballpark compensation figure for completing the work as specified. From now on, no work should be done without mutual agreement on compensation.
Website maintainer will then review and advise whether or not to implement the proposal.
For the moment, please make sure you follow the process outlined above for any such contributions and we'll do our best to work together until more specific guidelines are in place.
It's highly recommended that the contributor not begin work on the proposed change until reaching agreement on task specifics, compensation, and timeframe with the website maintainer.
== Feedback ==
=== Translations ===
This new process is a work in progress, and will be refined over time.  
For more information on how translations work, please see [[Translation]].
If something doesn't make sense, seems inefficient or unnecessary, or just annoying or confusing, please speak up on #growth.

Latest revision as of 17:33, 25 August 2024

The Growth Team focuses on increasing trading volume through community engagement and outreach efforts, market-making bounties, the website, blog, and translations across the website and software.

The Growth Team is a now retired Bisq team. The below information is kept for prosperity.











Any effort a contributor expects to be compensated for should be run by the growth team lead to ensure it fits cycle priorities and budget. Failure to do so may result in the contribution being rejected, undercompensated, or uncompensated.

Please see the priorities board linked above for current objectives.

If you're interested in contributing to an existing priority, please:

  • Express your interest in the bisq.chat #Growth channel (or on the corresponding GitHub issue)

If you're interested in contributing in a way that's not currently outlined on the priority board, please:

  • Start a discussion on Matrix to outline the merits of your proposed task (or open an GitHub issue in the appropriate repository)
  • Growth team members will get in touch with you to determine specifics, if warranted

Market Making

Occasionally, market making bounties are available for specific markets or regions. These bounties are managed in the growth repository on GitHub.

Interested market makers should:

  1. Carefully evaluate the conditions of the bounties they're interested in, or propose a new bounty on GitHub or Matrix
  2. Outline a convincing plan of action to deliver the bounty
  3. Determine which cycle they would be able to deliver the bounty in

After agreeing on details and covering any lingering concerns, the market maker will be assigned to the issue and is free to begin work.

Keep in mind that it's not necessary to be working on an approved bounty in order to do market making—market making should be a profitable activity on its own.


Any website change should be first proposed as an issue in the bisq-network/bisq-website GitHub repository or discussed on Matrix in the #Growth channell. The issue should cover the proposed change and how it aligns to current priorities. Estimated delivery date and cost should be included as well, if the issue creator expects to be the one delivering the proposed change.

Website maintainer will then review and advise whether or not to implement the proposal.

It's highly recommended that the contributor not begin work on the proposed change until reaching agreement on task specifics, compensation, and timeframe with the website maintainer.


For more information on how translations work, please see Translation.