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Reputation is the security mechanism used for Bisq Easy, a Bisq 2 trade protocol.

Bisq Easy does not use security deposits to ensure that trades go smoothly, instead buyers rely on the reputation of the sellers to ensure the trade goes smoothly.

Generally the higher the sellers reputation on Bisq Easy the higher the likelihood is of the trade being successful, and conversely, the lower the sellers reputation is on Bisq Easy the less the likelihood is of the trade being successful.

Buyers should look to choose sellers with a high reputation for their trades.

Sellers should look at how to maximize their reputation to ensure they get more trades.

How is reputation measured

What reputation score should buyers look for

How can sellers improve their Bisq Easy reputation

Burning BSQ

Setting up a BSQ bond

Importing the Account Age from Bisq 1

Importing the Signed Account Age from Bisq 1