Dumping delayed payout transactions

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Revision as of 03:31, 18 June 2020 by Plebeian9000 (talk | contribs)
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If you or a mediator require additional information on failed, pending, or closed transactions, run Bisq with the --dumpDelayedPayoutTxs=true command line argument.

The instructions below contain specific commands for each of the major desktop operating systems you can copy and paste into a terminal.

Commands to dump delayed payout transactions

Copy and paste the commands below to run Bisq with the command line argument that dumps delayed payout transactions.


Open PowerShell (search the Start menu for PowerShell).

Then from PowerShell, run the following command to switch to your Bisq application directory:

cd  $home\AppData\Local\Bisq

Then run the following command to run Bisq:

start Bisq.exe --dumpDelayedPayoutTxs=true


Open a terminal window by searching for Terminal with Spotlight, and then press Enter.

Then run the following command:

/Applications/Bisq.app/Contents/MacOS/Bisq --dumpDelayedPayoutTxs=true


In a new terminal window, run the following command:

/opt/bisq/bin/Bisq --dumpDelayedPayoutTxs=true

Where to find the delayed payout files

Shortly after running one of the commands above, you will find 3 newly-created files in your Bisq data directory:

  1. delayed_payout_txs_closed.json
  2. delayed_payout_txs_pending.json
  3. delayed_payout_txs_failed.json

The location of your data directory depends on what operating system you're using:


Using PowerShell:


Using cmd:



/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Bisq/

This folder could be hidden and not normally accessible on Macs, check the documentation by Apple to see how to be able to work with it.

