Wiki style guidelines

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General guidelines

The Bisq wiki adheres to the Wikipedia Manual of Style whenever possible. There are some styles that Wikipedia does not cover, such as Tasks and Procedures, they will be documented in Exceptions below.

Exceptions from Wikipedia

Non English language articles

Until there is a need for separate language wikis, create articles in the non English language with the English translation in comments. See Running Bisq in China as an example.


The Bisq wiki contains many procedures. The Wikipedia Manual of Styles does not include styles for technical tasks and procedures therefore the Microsoft style guide has excellent guidance for Writing step-by-step instructions.

Procedure titles

Use gerunds (. . . ing) for procedural titles. For example, "Back up your wallet" should be "Backing up your wallet".

Tabs, buttons and UI elements

User interface (UI) elements such as tabs and buttons are indicated in bold text. When referring to an action, simply state "click Start", not "click the Start button"