Failed trades

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Certain conditions make it so that a trade can fail when using Bisq. Prior to v1.3.2 it was not possible to unfail a trade.

Unfail a failed trade

In many cases a failed trade can be unfailed by doing the following(v1.3.2):

  1. Select the failed trade in the Failed trade tab.
  2. Press ctrl+y or cmd+y on a Mac.
  3. Bisq will verify certain parameters and re-open the trade if possible.
  4. If the trade cannot be unfailed (see errors below) you can submit a fee reimbursement request here

Errors for trades which can be unfailed

Error 1:

An error occurred at task: BuyerVerifiesFinalDelayedPayoutTx
  DelayedPayoutTx is not spending depositTx correctly

Error 2:

An error occurred at task: BuyerVerifiesPreparedDelayedPayoutTx
  Donation address is invalid.
  Address used by BTC seller: 3EtUWqsGThPtjwUczw27YCo6EWvQdaPUyp
  Recent donation address:3A8Zc1XioE2HRzYfbb5P8iemCS72M6vRJV
  Default donation address: 1BVxNn3T12veSK6DgqwU4Hdn7QHcDDRag

Error 3:

This trade cannot be moved back to open trades at the moment.
  Try again after completion of trade(s)

Note: Caution must be used when dealing with ERROR 3. This is generated when an open trade uses the same bitcoin address as a failed trade. If the failed trade has locked funds then you must first cancel the open trade, you may then attempt to unfail the failed trade, complete it and re-open a new trade if wanted.

Errors for trades which cannot be unfailed

  • No valid deposit tx - To verify if your Deposit transaction ID is valid click here
  • Null delayedpayout tx - It may be possible to unfail a trade with this error by starting Bisq with the following argument: --allowFaultyDelayedTxs=true
                                       For more information on how to run Bisq from the command line click here