Donation Address Owner

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The Donation Address Owner (sometimes referred to as the "burning man") controls the BTC address where BTC trade fees and funds from time-locked payout transactions are sent.

Please see arbitration for more details on how this role works with other elements of Bisq's decentralized dispute resolution process.




  • Trade directly with Refund Agent to buy BSQ with the BTC that has collected in the donation address wallet / trade fee address wallet. The trade should take place at the BSQ/BTC rate they proposed in the Arbitrator's accepted github issue if is is within one cycle of their reimbursement proposal being accepted.
  • Trade directly with partially reimbursed traders to buy BSQ with the BTC that has collected in the donation address wallet / trade fee address wallet. The trade should take place at the BSQ/BTC rate partially reimbursed traders propose in their accepted github issue if is is within one cycle of their reimbursement proposal being accepted.
  • Approximately 4 times a month buy BSQ with BTC that has collected in the donation address wallet / trade fee address wallet.
    • Buy BSQ with the lowest priced offers first
    • Take offers to sell BSQ regardless of size (small or large)
    • Avoid taking any offer with a price 20% above the rolling weighted 30 day BSQ/BTC average
    • Announce at least 2 trading sessions per month in the role issue a few days in advance
  • Occasionally make offers in Bisq to buy BSQ with BTC that has collected in the donation address wallet / trade fee address wallet.
  • Burn the purchased BSQ and post trades taken, and proof of burn on the role issue
  • At least once per cycle, when taking offers, Burning Man should use all BTC funds up to the point where sell BSQ offers are 20% above the weighted 30 day BSQ/BTC average.



The Donation Address Owner's role is compensated $1,000 USD in BSQ equivalent every Bisq cycle (approximately every month).


A 50,000 BSQ bond is required.