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Compensation is an important element of the Bisq DAO that incentivizes people to contribute to the Bisq software and, consequently, enables them to take on a greater stake in its governance.

This article covers the several parties involved in the process of requesting, approving, issuing, and guiding compensation.

Compensation Maintainer

The compensation maintainer oversees the day-to-day process of compensation requests, triages issues, and determines rates.

See the Compensation Maintainer article for more details on this role.


Contributors are welcome to create compensation requests for work they've done on the Bisq project. See instructions in this guide.

If you'd like to contribute to Bisq but are unsure where to start, check out the contributor checklist.

Team Lead

Team leads do an initial review before voting to evaluate whether a compensation request is warranted, appropriate (e.g. whether the work meets the definition of delivered), and in line with team priorities and budget.

When a new compensation request is submitted, the assigned team lead should promptly review it, add feedback as a appropriate, and request changes as necessary.

When feedback has been addressed, the team lead will ask the contributor to submit their proposal to the DAO and post the resulting TXID in a comment.


Just as stakeholders may review and vote on any DAO proposal, stakeholders may review and vote on any contributor's compensation request. After all, compensation requests are merely another type of DAO proposal.

No special permissions are needed—a stakeholder can simply add feedback in the form of a comment on a compensation request or an emoji reaction (thumbs-up, thumbs-down, confused face, etc).

There is no obligation for stakeholders to perform these reviews, but it's advised to only review compensation requests that you are knowledgeable about.