Manually select seednodes

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Revision as of 15:05, 17 June 2024 by Strayorigin (talk | contribs) (changed -seednode to -seedNodes as that is correct)
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If Tor network is experiencing issues, and seednodes are only partially operational, leading to frequent inability to connect to the p2p network, the following method is one workaround that will increase your probability of correctly running Bisq.

We want to manually connect to seednodes that appear to be working, rather than having Bisq randomly choose them; reach the network monitors available at the following addresses (click Continue in case your browser complains about the security of the page, they are just showing a large HTML table):


What you are looking for is in the Data inventory and DAO data columns, where you need to make sure that the former reports Number of Mediator: 2 (do not mind skull and warning icons), and the latter shows a large integer near Number of BSQ blocks (171131 at the time of writing).

During high network instability, only a handful of seednodes will satisfy such requirements, and the data will also change both with time, and between the two monitor URLs, so your job is to identify those (at least a couple, the more the merrier) that show most consistently stable over time on all monitors, and note down their Node address: under the Seed node info column.

Once you have copied those address.onion:port strings, place them in a command line to start Bisq, appending them as a comma-separated list to the -seedNodes= option, like so for example (for Linux):

/opt/bisq/bin/Bisq -seedNodes=address1.onion:8000,address2.onion:8000,address3.onion:8000

Press Enter, cross your fingers, and watch the magic happen (maybe), otherwise go back to square one and retry with different seednodes.