Trading Monero

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Revision as of 13:44, 30 August 2020 by Plebeian9000 (talk | contribs) (add details on proving and verifying from payment account pop-up)
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Monero (XMR) is one of the most active markets on Bisq. This article covers some things you should know when trading it.

Instant payment accounts

By default, all altcoins trades on Bisq have trade periods of 1 day. But you can set up an Altcoins Instant account on Bisq for 1-hour trade periods.

Proving payments

Some details of XMR transactions are not publicly available on the blockchain. In order for a mediator or arbitrator to handle disputes, the XMR seller must make sure they send XMR using a wallet that provides the following 3 items to prove the payment was made:

  1. transaction key (Tx Key, Tx Secret Key, or Tx Private Key)
  2. transaction ID (Tx ID or Tx Hash)
  3. recipient's address

This information can be found in the following wallets: official Monero GUI and CLI wallets, MyMonero, Exodus (desktop), Cake Wallet, and Monerujo (mobile):

  • Monero GUI: on the Transactions tab.
  • Monero CLI: use the command get_tx_key <TXID>. The flag store-tx-info must be enabled (it's enabled by default in new versions).
  • Other wallets: go to transaction history and look for transaction key (sometimes called "tx key" or "secret key") and destination address in a sent transaction. For Cake Wallet, the "Save recipient address" option must be enabled in settings.

If you are using another wallet not mentioned above, be sure you can still access the 3 items mentioned above.

Since transaction keys and destination addresses are stored in Monero wallet software and not available anywhere else, be careful not to delete or restore your Monero wallet before a Bisq trade is complete.

Failure to provide the required transaction data will result in losing disputes.

Verifying payments

To verify that a certain sum of Monero was sent to a specific address:

If you still have questions, see this guide on the Monero home page or ask a question on the Monero support subreddit.

Auto-confirming trades

Auto-confirming trades verify receipt of XMR payment automatically. Typically, XMR buyers must check their wallet and manually mark a payment as received in Bisq. Auto-confirming trades do this automatically, making trades quicker and more efficient for both traders.

This feature is currently available for XMR trades where:

  • the XMR seller provides a valid transaction key or viewkey
  • the XMR buyer has auto-confirming trades turned on in Bisq settings

XMR explorer nodes

By default, the Bisq auto-confirm feature relies on 2 XMR explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors. Auto-confirmation will only take place if the results from both nodes agree funds were received.

Set up your own node

For maximum privacy and security, users are recommended to run their own XMR explorer node for verifying receipt of funds.

  1. Build Monero from source. Check out this guide for further guidance. If on a Debian-based distro, Ubuntu (18.04 in particular) tends to work better than plain Debian.
  2. Build the Monero explorer from source.
  3. Run monerod.
  4. Once the Monero blockchain is synced, run the explorer with xmrblocks --enable-json-api.
  5. Specify your explorer's address on the Bisq settings screen.


On the Bisq settings screen, you can set:

  • Maximum amount of BTC that can be confirmed per trade
  • Number of required confirmations
  • XMR explorer node address, if running your own node