Resyncing SPV file

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Revision as of 22:29, 11 February 2020 by Bayer (talk | contribs) (Create a simple SPV re-sync walkthrough with pictures)
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The Bisq application makes use of Bitcoin's Simplified Payment Verification or SPV for short. This allows the application to verify if a particular transaction is included in a block without having to download that entire block.

However, if the SPV file in your bisq application were to become corrupted or fall out of sync it could lead to any number of wallet issues, such as Bisq not displaying the correct account balance.

This can be resolved by deleting the SPV file and re-sycing Bisq. The data contained in the SPV file is a collection of data from the Bitcoin blockchain which allows Bisq to retrieve transaction information.

By deleting it you allow Bisq to re-sync the file with the Bitcoin blockchain and fix any potential errors.

Follow these steps to re-sync the SPV file.

1. Open the Bisq application and click on the Settings tab

Market tab.png

2. Click on NETWORK INFO

Settings tab.png


Network info.png

You may now restart the application - Re-syncs may take a while depending on the age of your wallet and number of transactions.

CPU usage may be high and the Bisq application may not respond, this is normal, be patient and allow the re-sync to finish.

Note: If you are unable to access Bisq, you can manually delete the SPV file from the Bisq directory ---> btc_mainnet ---> wallet ---> bisq.spvchain. You will then be required to manually restart Bisq twice to complete the resync.